Sunday 2 February 2020

Trauma, Self-Regulation, and Expressive Arts Therapy The fundamentals of stabilization are found through the arts. Cathy Malchiodi

You may (or may not) have been aware that my blog posts slowed right down during November and were non existent during December.  September last year. This was due to me falling ill, being hospitalized for one full month, being in quarantine for twelve days during my hospital stay, followed by months of recovery, of which I am still undergoing. During the worst period of my illness I experienced a re-awakening of symptoms of Complex P.T.S.D. Frightening body felt memories  temporarily shattered my sense of self. It was as if I was a child again.

A massive part of my recovery has been to engage in creative processes and body focused interventions to enable self-regulation, bringing me back to Self. This article offers insights into how Creative Arts Processes offer safe methods of self exploration, amongst other positive healing and calming practices connecting the mind, body and spirit.